Teacher Trainings
In our school every year there are 2 types of teacher trainings. The first is for practitioners who want to become Yoga teachers, either to gain a new professional career, or because they simply want to delve deeper into this ancient system of self-cultivation and development. It is called 200hours Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga TTC and takes place over 12 weekends. The second training is for Yoga teachers who want to get to know the world of Rocket Vinyasa and become one of the few certified Rocket Vinyasa teachers in Greece! It is called 50h Rocket Vinyasa TTCand can be repeated up to 4 times delving into all Rocket 1,2 & 3 series and more advanced Vinyasa techniques. In these post-graduate trainings we also cover any gaps from previous trainings, advanced students can also take part. The 50 hours are completed over 5 days, usually a Friday weekend and a weekend. All our trainings are approved and certified by the global organization Yoga Alliance. Angeliki Matopoulou (RYT 500) teaches.
For more information as well as the curriculum, please contact us.