Sound Massage

Sound Massage

Sound Massage

A person’s harmony with himself and the world around him is threatened by daily stress in all aspects of his life.

This is where Peter Hess’ Sound Massage comes in as a method of relaxation: in sound-relaxation, problems of accumulated daily stress, uncertainty and various other blockages that the body suffers are solved. This release is a good basis to rejuvenate and strengthen your inner strengths. In sound massage, effects of ancient times have been identified that have sound as their foundation, which were applied 5000 years ago in the Indian healing art. In Eastern thought, man came from sound, therefore he is sound. Since man is sound with himself and his environment, he can shape his life freely and simply. Peter Hess in years of research and practice applied sound massage to the needs of people in Western culture. From gentle but high impact relaxation to the ultimate application in therapy and the healing professions where its reach extends.

The most important effects of Sound Massage and Sound Therapy according to Peter Hess®

– Quick achievement of deep relaxation

– Muscular and mental tensions are released

– Improved function of the organs and harmonization between them

– All body cells are vibrated and return to their original healthy state

– Positive effects on self-confidence, creativity and efficiency

– Eliminates stress, calms the mind

– Harmonization of soul, body and spirit

Angeliki Matopoulou offers sessions with singing bowls & Gong from 2024

Book yours now!!!

Source: Peter Hess® Academy – Greece